There’s nothing better than cleaning off fresh lettuce or produce, all crispy and glistening…. Knowing that you’re giving your family an incredibly healthy, delicious meal!!

Its that time of the year where you might start seeing or hearing references to CSA, or Community Supported Agriculture. What exactly is it, how does it work? What are the benefits? The negatives? Keep reading!

Typically, a local farm (or group of local farms) sells “shares” of the season’s produce. Some farms also include meat and dairy products. Each week, the farm divides that week’s harvest into shares for those participating. Sometimes at the farm, or at a local spot the shares are given out.

Local self-supporting farms are becoming more and more rare. CSA programs allow them to count on guaranteed revenue over the course of the farming season, and allows consumers to pick up extra fresh farm products every week! Its a win-win for the consumers and the farms, and thus the entire community.

Here are some great reasons to look into a CSA, and why Charmingfare Farm is probably one of the better plans around the area!

1. The produce you pick up each week is locally grown and ultra fresh. It is usually picked THAT day!
2. Because the crop varies, you’re bound to learn about veggies you’ve never had before, and a chance to bring them home and serve them to the whole family.
3. You’ll get to know your local farmer, and learn what a vital role they play in the community, and specifically some of the issues and challenges they face (giving you a better appreciation of what they do).
4. Your “share” each week is prepared for you! You just come and pick it up!!
5. The CSA program at Charmingfare allows you and your family to wander the farm and see the animals, visit the Zoo and truly get to know what farming is all about!

To learn more about the CSA program here at Charmingfare Farm, click here.