Vegetable Info
Growing Methods
We grow your food in the most efficient and healthy manner we can. We have chosen to grow with quality compost, organic fertilizers, and cover crops wherever possible, and avoid such things as synthetic fertilizer, pesticides, or herbicides. Various types of mulches are used to suppress weeds, warm spring and fall soils, and conserve water.
We also make a special effort to attract wild pollinators to our gardens. Pollinators fulfill a vital role in the growing of your food. People with allergies to stings, should take care in the event that they cross paths with one of these busy bees.
Our soil is tested regularly to make sure we maintain fertility without putting excess nutrients in the water supply. We even use the horses to pull some of the farm equipment to reduce fossil fuel consumption. It’s a lot more work but we think it is worth it.
Bulk Items
Your share also gives you access to surplus produce for canning and stocking up. When we have an abundance of certain crops we will make these available to shareholders, usually at a reduced cost. If you have a need for one particular item please let a staff member know and we will try our best to accommodate your request.